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"Fast Lap" stage II @ Bikernieki 2010.06.05
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Ierakstīt jaunu tēmu   Atbildēt uz tēmu    AudiClub [Latvia] Forumu Saturs -> Citi Pasākumi
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Pievienojies: 07 Jul 2009
Ieraksti: 22

IerakstsIerakstīts: 13:35, 19-May-2010, Wed    Ieraksta virsraksts: "Fast Lap" stage II @ Bikernieki 2010.06.05 Atbildēt citējot

"Fast Lap" (alternatively known as "time attack") is a circuit based event whereby competitors drive hard against the clock to set the quickest lap time around a circuit.

We have upcoming event in Bikernieki car track, where fastest Lithuanian guys will drive their modified cars. We want to invite Latvians and others to compete! I'm sure you will find equal rivals regardless class you will race in.

NOTE: Race is not coordinated with LAF.

Just click on the flyer for info and registration.

The message is spread to most Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Russian forums.
Atpakaļ uz sākumu
Skatīt lietotāja profilu Sūtīt privāto ziņojumu Apmeklēt autora mājas lapu

Pievienojies: 07 Jul 2009
Ieraksti: 22

IerakstsIerakstīts: 13:46, 09-Jun-2010, Wed    Ieraksta virsraksts: Atbildēt citējot

Atbildim Smile "Fast Lap 2010" stage II at Bikernieki <foto> and <video>.

Next event in Parnu (Audru Ring), Estonia on July 3rd.

Atpakaļ uz sākumu
Skatīt lietotāja profilu Sūtīt privāto ziņojumu Apmeklēt autora mājas lapu
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Ierakstīt jaunu tēmu   Atbildēt uz tēmu    AudiClub [Latvia] Forumu Saturs -> Citi Pasākumi All times are GMT + 3 Hours
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